
Bodegas Angosto

  • Owner : Bodegas Angosto
  • Location : Valencia, Spain
  • DOC : Valencia
  • Grape variety : arcos de Miguel, forcallat, Tortosi, Sauvignon Blanc
  • Terroirs : clay - limestone
  • Work philosophy : Sustainable

The Story

They are part of a varietal recovery project, carried out by Conselleria de agricultura de Valencia and Viveros Cambra, the result of 7 years of genetic study of Valencian vinifera, selection and classification of the material, with its subsequent multiplication. They are farmers, we till and work our fields. We are winegrowers, we select and plant our vines. They are winemakers, they harvest and vinify our grapes. Every detail, every part of the process matters. They are a group of people who perceive the wine world as a whole, a cycle in balance between the terroir, the vine and the grape. This is how the winery was founded in 2005 with their firm commitment to research, development, recovery and selection of different foreign and native Mediterranean wine varieties. In 2018 they started the MiniViniCultura project with the collaboration of the Department of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development of the Generalitat Valenciana.