
Patrick Girault

  • Owner : Patrick Girault
  • Location : Sancerre
  • AOC : Sancerre
  • Grape variety : Sauvignon blanc, Pinot noir
  • Terroirs : clay - limestone and sand.
  • Work philosophy : organic

The Story

The planted area of Domaine Girault currently totals 12 ha, spread over the renowned “Grand Chemarin”, “Petit Chemarin” and “Chêne Marchand” hillsides. The estate is divided into 38 parcels of Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée Sancerre (AOC): 31 plots are planted with Sauvignon Blanc 7 plots are planted with Pinot Noir. Terroirs and vines Our terroirs are highly diversified throughout the estate. Our soils are 50% clay-limestone, 19% clay, 25% limestone and 6% flint clay. The average age of our vines