
Same River Twice

  • Owner : James and Laurent
  • Location : Avignon, France
  • AOC : Vin de France
  • Grape variety : Grenache, Syrah, cinsault, viognier
  • Terroirs : clay - limestone and sand.
  • Work philosophy : organic farming

The Story

Same River Twice Wines was created by James, a wine agent and former importer in Tokyo, in partnership with Laurent, a local vigneron whose family has farmed the area for over 300 years, to make a style of wine for people who love the aromatic richness of our terroir but seek wines with a lighter touch. Laurent farms the vines and they make the wines together. Their shared obsessions are healthy soil, healthy grapes and blends that show terroir, or provenance, in its truest form. They’ve worked together s

The Wine Selection