
Stéphane Orieux

  • Owner : Stéphane Orieux
  • Location : Vallet, Loire Valley
  • AOC : Gros Plant, Muscadet, Muscadet Sèvre et Maine
  • Grape variety : Chardonnay, Chenin, cabernet franc, Melon de Bourgogne.
  • Terroirs : clay - limestone and sand.
  • Work philosophy : organic

The Story

In Vallet, capital of the Muscadet region, the family has been cultivating a 19-hectare vineyard for three generations, respecting nature and each vintage. Their vineyards have been certified organic for over 1/4 century. Their terroirs are carefully tended to respect the rhythms of nature. Yields are adapted, grapes are harvested by hand, and pressing is gentle.

The Wine Selection